
Written by Collin Haddock


All of us, at some point or another, will be caught off guard. There will be some sort of crash that breaks the silence, something that shatters the norm, whether it be a loss of a family member, a shocking firing from a job, or the engine in your brand new car just died. Whether the silence is broken by a hushed whisper or by a loud crack of thunder in the storm of life, we will all-at one time or another-deal with the upset of the norm. After that shock is uncertainty, that lostness and unexpected unease.

We as Christians will go through this, just like everyone else. The world we live in is fallen and, without fail, things will go wrong. Many try to pretend these things won’t and don’t happen, or at least pretend that it doesn’t impact them. However, it does. It will. We’re human. Instead, I urge you to look up from the chaos in those times. There is one who is your peace, and He is not you. Jesus is our peace.

Now, understand-I’m not telling you that everything will be solved in twenty four hours. Jesus is not a “take two aspirin and call me in the morning” solution. He is, however, the ruling and reigning King who has conquered death.

In those times where panic sounds like a clashing cymbal in our lives, where storm, chaos, pandemic, and sorrow rule, take comfort in the reigning King Jesus. He is absolutely sovereign over everything, from COVID-19 to the failed chemistry test. Take comfort in the fact that in the end, way after this day, this month, this year, those in Christ will be with Him forever-but take comfort and be joy-filled that now, in the moment you read this, He is ruling and reigning, victorious over death. His victory is total, and you and I, in the ups and downs, can be comforted and reassured that in the end, God will be glorified and His people will be with Him forever.

In those times where chaos seems to be the sound that resonates loudest-remember that the sound quickly fades to make way for King Jesus. It may hurt now, but there is a purpose in the hurt, and there is a King on the throne. John 1:5 tells us “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it,” and my friends, that statement is as true now, as it was then.

Be well.

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