Psalm 62:5-Be Still: A Devotional Series

“For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, 

for my hope is from him.” Psalm 62:5.

Waiting is no one’s favorite thing to do. We will do what we can when we can to avoid waiting. We have apps that help us avoid lines in grocery stores, restaurants, and movie theaters. Yet, sometimes that’s all we can do. In the face of uncertainty, it seems that this waiting is the storm before the calm. 

David, however, trusts in God for His future. David was running from His enemies, yet he trusted God in the face of an uncertainty. David is like you and I-limited. He did not know the future, but He did know who held the future. David’s hope was very much in God. That’s where our hope lies, just as David’s did. 

Our hope very much lies in Jesus, a sure hope in the storms of uncertainty and in the drought of waiting. Take heart and be still-The King is still reigning, He is still in control, and He has not forgot you and I. 


  1. In what ways can we learn to trust God more in the storms of life?

  2. How do we know if we’re relying on something more than we are than we are on God?

  3. How can we pray through waiting and uncertainty? What do we pray for?

  4. What’s something that impacted you today? 

Questions for kids: 

  1. How is God faithful? How has He kept his promises?

  2. How does God show us that He loves us-even when we have to wait?

  3. How does God help us not be afraid? 

  4. What’s something that you want to pray about? Who’s someone that you want to pray for?

Songs to remind: “Now Why This Fear” by Sovereign Grace Music, featuring Sojurn Music.

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